The membership year of Mid-Bucks (Aylesbury) u3a runs from the 1st April to 31st March and the membership fee is £15 per person i.e. £30 for a couple. However, a proposal is being placed at the AGM in May to increase the fees to £18/£36 respectively.

We offer concessions on membership: this might be for Ukrainian refugees or people experiencing financial hardship, for example.  The person concerned would be made a member in the standard way, and the committee can agree to reduce or waive the membership fee. 

The u3a is wonderful: you learn things, you meet people, and you enjoy passing things on to others. Probably one of the most rewarding things for lots of others in the u3a is the sharing; people get a lot out of doing that, of passing it on and when you are the one learning, you enjoy it even more.

Try before you buy

Prospective members are welcome to attend two of our general meetings (diverse, interesting presentations from experts in their subject area).

Prospective members may also attend a meeting of one or two of our interest groups to see if they interest them – please phone or email the group leaders of the group(s) you are curious about.

How do I join Mid-Bucks (Aylesbury) u3a?

Simply ring the Membership Secretary (Wendy Russell) 01844 208767 so that she can invite you to visit our next monthly meeting at no cost to yourself.


Print out an application form on the link below and return with the membership fee to the address on the form, or bring it along to our next meeting.

Membership Application 2024/5

Chairman Colin White
Vice Chairman       post vacant
Secretary Val Blackburn
Treasurer Sandra Chaudhry
Membership Secretary Wendy Russell
Trips Organiser Michael Walden
Website Organiser David Mummery
Speakers Organiser Val Blackburn