Local History

LOCAL HISTORY GROUP Jasmine & Simon Reeks

October Meeting Report – Thursday 24th October Ashmolean Museum . Thank you, Val, for arranging such an enjoyable visit. The weather gods were with us this time but not the transport ones. Our curator guide was a great communicator, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic and we over ran our one hour slot but I don’t think anyone complained. As he explained, it is a collection of collections. For those of you interested in the Tradescants Ashmole history you could read the Tradescant Series by Philippa Gregory. An interesting opinion on the founding of the collection!

November Meeting –  Thursday 28th November Rupert’s Retrospective 10.30 for 11.00 start. Cost £1.00. Please don’t arrive before 10.30 unless you are on the helpers’ rota. Volunteers required for kitchen duty and donation of a cake or two, please.

No December meeting. We will restart in January with planning meeting. Different location and time for this meeting due to my dilatory booking of normal venue.

January Meeting – Thursday 23rd January 2025 Planning Meeting Southcourt Community Centre 14.00.  Cost £1.00 Volunteers required for kitchen duty and donation of a cake or two, please.

February Meeting – 27th February. The popular return of Julian Hunt with an illustrated talk on Stony Stratford. 14.00 at the Southcourt Community Centre. Cost £3.00.  Volunteers for refreshment and kitchen duties, please.