Musical Appreciation

As with all our U3A groups this is an extremely sociable set of people. Once the chatter has been brought under control, usually with great difficulty by the host, we listen to music!
The music, CD, vinyl or tape, is chosen and brought by members, limited to a maximum 15 minutes duration so that we can all have our music played within about 2 hours, the precise duration being governed by the length of teabreak.
To date the music is predominantly classical but we often hear and talk about music that is new to us, and has included jazz, 50 & 60’s pop, and folk from various countries.
Members’ musical knowledge varies from the professional to the musically uneducated who “know what they like”, so any prospective member need not fear any intimidation.

Our next meeting will be at 9, Mill Mead, Wendover, on Tuesday, 25th February 2025, at 2.30pm.

Contact Jim Wilding on 01296 623628