Why are we called u3a?

A u3a is a collective of people devoted to learning, with members not students, all of whom are in their third age – hence “The University of the Third Age”.  The third age refers to the period after the first age of childhood and the second age of full-time employment and/or parental responsibility.

How are u3as organised?
The u3a’s are democratic, self funded, and self managed organisations that exist to provide a full range of activities for men and women, no longer in full time employment, at a minimal cost.  They draw upon the knowledge, experience and skills of their members to organise interest groups (often in their own homes) in accordance with the wishes of the membership.

This is a time when you can pursue your interests at leisure and make the most of life.  There is no lower age limit.  

Being creative through craft and music; being active through walking; being educated by engaging with discussions and visits (local history); music appreciation or transport; being informed by listening to a variety of speakers on a host of topics; learning new skills such as bridge and singing, and being social by going on trips, taking part in quizzes and attending various social events.