Welcome to Mid-Bucks (Aylesbury) u3a
… and seek to come together with like-minded people
… to share knowledge and experience,
… learn new skills
… or learn more about your local area
… and get to know a wider circle of interesting people,
then you have come to the right place.
Make the most of life once you’re no longer in full time work by exploring new ideas, skills and interests with your local u3a. Across the UK, u3a members are learning, staying active and having fun in later life. It’s local, social, friendly, low-cost and open to all. u3a is a good way of making friends, meeting people. And importantly, you know that you’re meeting people with a shared interest.
The u3a movement is a unique and exciting organisation which provides, through its u3as, life-enhancing and life-changing opportunities. Retired and semi-retired people come together and learn together, not for qualifications but for its own reward: the sheer joy of discovery!
Members of Mid-Bucks (Aylesbury) u3a share their skills and life experiences: the learners teach and the teachers learn, and there is no distinction between them.
Learn, laugh and live is motto of u3a. U3a provides opportunities for members to share learning experiences in a wide range of interest groups and to pursue learning, not for qualifications, but for fun – no exams, no certificates or diplomas, just a group of friends getting together to live life to the full and to learn something new.
Learning is a powerful way to improve mental health and make meaningful connections. Laughter can simply heal us.
u3a gives you the opportunity to meet and make new friends who share the same interests or lifestyle. If you’ve always wanted to learn a particular skill, or enjoy sharing your knowledge with others, our u3a has to be a good option for you.